2021 Theme: God Restores my Soul
To learn more on how the Stewardship Team came up with this year’s theme, read about it in Steve’s Slant in our October Newsletter. If you prefer you can view the excerpt of Steve’s Slant by CLICKING HERE.
At Warren Wilson Presbyterian Church, we believe that stewardship is about everything we do, with everything we have, after we say “I believe.” We depend on our members’ financial gifts and pledges of support to do that. Stewardship is beyond paying our staff and our bills. It’s about living sustainably in every aspect of our lives – caring for our bodies and our relationships, caring for the beautiful creation God has entrusted to us, and even, sometime s perhaps especially, caring for our neighbors around the corner or around the globe. So, at WWPC, we approach stewardship as our duty and our joy. Yes, we give of our time, talent and treasure because we want to support our own ministries and operations, but also to e’nrich and assist in our local community.
This Year’s Goal
Our Commitment target for the 2021 challenge budget is $202,864. This is an increase of 2.5% over 2020. Listed below are the highlights for this slight increase:
- We’ve engaged with the college to share the costs 50/50 of a professional cleaning crew for the Ohler Spiritual Center (the Chapel, the Fellowship Hall and the office wing). Our facilities are still being used — by church staff and by our financial team, and by the college as a location for socially distanced classroom space. During this time of Covid, we believe it is especially important that our facilities are clean and safe.
- We are hoping to offer genuine raises to our staff for the first time since 2015. (They received raises in 2018 but these mainly restored salary cuts we had to make in 2017.)
- Historically, we have funded the Associate in Ministry position (first Beth, then Grace) with monies from unexpected bequests. We have steadily depleted those funds over the years. To continue funding this critically important position moving forward, we must now build support for this salary into our regular operating fund.