Who is Welcome?
To be clear, all are welcome at Warren Wilson Presbyterian Church! As declared in our statement below:
“At Warren Wilson Presbyterian Church we are mothers and fathers, single and married, gay and straight, young and old, black and white, prosperous and poor, uncertain and sure, broken and whole – and everything in between. Together we are the many faces of humanity, yet as a joyful caring and loving community of faith, we are one in Christ!”
What is worship like and when do we gather?
- People dress in a range from casual to suits/dresses. Just be comfortable and come as you are.
- Sunday service starts at 11:00am. People will stroll in to the sanctuary between 10:30-11:10 (yes, worship begins at 11:00 – latecomers are always welcome.
- We have greeters at the door to the sanctuary to welcome you and hand out bulletins. They can help with any questions you may have.
- Generally we have a gathering of about 60 people.
- We celebrate communion on the first Sunday of each month (everyone is welcome to participate).
- Childcare is provided after our “time for children” in the service. Kids that want to can gather in the education wing for some supervised fun.
- Our choir, usually 8-12 members, in addition to singing an anthem, helps lead the congregation in hymns. We are also assisted by our pipe organ and from time-to-time other musical instruments.
- The group has the opportunity to offer up prayers to the community. Mission activity and announcements are also shared.
- Visitors are fairly frequent, including friends and families, those living in the area, those traveling on vacation, and Warren Wilson College students and family.
- Coffee and light snacks are served in the parlor after the service where we an all gather and share joys and concerns of the past week and our corporate life.
Why Warren Wilson Church?
The beauty and strength of our congregation is in its:
Where do I go to park?
To the left of the church as you drive up Chapel Drive are visitor parking spots. Yellow stars on the map indicate general parking areas.
Handicap Access/ADA Accessibility parking is to the right of the chapel with a ramp provided to the main entrance. Handicap Accessibility Parking is indicated on the map with blue stars. Wheelchair areas are available in the chapel.
How can I become a member?
We are always happy to welcome new members into our church. If you have questions, feel free to ask one of the greeters for additional information. There are three ways to become a member in our Presbyterian church: Letter of Transfer, Profession of Faith or Baptism.
What does it mean to be a Presbyterian?
Presbyterians are a part of the Christian family in the Reformed Protestant tradition. Being a part of our denomination, the PC(USA), our order of worship is in line with most Reformed churches as well as many other Protestant denominations: we are called to worship, confess our shortcomings together, hear the scriptures read, the Word (sermon) proclaimed, pray, take communion, give offerings to God, and prepare to serve out into the world. Learn more about the PC(USA) by clicking the logo below.