Ministry Teams

Nine ministry teams serve the church in a variety of ways.  We invite you to join any of the teams listed below by contacting the convener.

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This ministry team oversees all administrative aspects of the church, including finances, stewardship and personnel.
Convener:  Jim Storey

Facilities Usage

This ministry team deals with use and maintenance of our facilities: the Chapel and the Ransom Fellowship Hall.
Convener:  Bob Gambrell

Spiritual Nurture

This ministry team does extremely important work planning and supervising our education programs for children of all ages as well as adults.
Convener:  Natalie Daugherty

Church/College Relations

This ministry team provides a platform for two communities (Warren Wilson Presbyterian Church & Warren Wilson College) to foster fellowship and spiritual growth through shared activities such as joint service projects and spiritual and cultural celebrations.
Convener:  Don Collins


This ministry team develops ways to provide for effective communications with current members and potential new members about the life, ministries and activities of the church. Examples include newsletters, signs, website and social media platforms.
Convener:  Brent Roberts

Congregational Life 

This ministry team works to promote and nurture the community life of the Warren Wilson congregation and assist in congregational and pastoral care. We serve at many congregational gatherings such as dinners, coffee hours and funerals, and try to bring cheer to shut-ins.
Convener: Susan Daugherty

Community Engagement

This ministry team challenges the congregation to respond to the commands of Jesus Christ to participate in God’s activity in the world. We attempt to minister to the needs of the hungry, poor, homeless, children and families and to practice a ministry of love and compassion worldwide.
Convener: Bob Gambrell

Worship and Music

This ministry team handles all aspects of planning our corporate worship services to inspire the congregation and always bring praise to God.
Convener: Beth Meriwether

Liturgical Arts

This ministry team focuses on enriching the worship life of our church.  By using color, fabric, music, drama and dance, our Liturgical Arts team focuses their creativity on bringing the scriptures to life and adding depth and richness to our experience of the liturgical seasons and our high holy days, such as Advent and Lent, Christmas, Easter, and Pentecost – and even “Ordinary Time” too!
Convener:  Currently Vacant