We are…
Mothers and fathers, single and married, gay and straight, young and old, black and white, prosperous and poor, uncertain and sure, broken and whole – and everything in between. Together we are the many faces of humanity, yet as a joyful, caring and loving community of faith, we are one in Christ!
We value…
- Love above all:
– Compassion above doctrine
– Mercy above judgment
– Justice above indifference - Worship that is Christ-centered and nurturing, challenging and relevant
- Community that is inclusive, welcoming and diverse
- Engagement with our local and global neighbors that is prayerful, current and respectful.
Our mission…
Warren Wilson Presbyterian Church is called to be a welcoming and inclusive community of faith and fellowship, and to embody God’s love through ministries of compassion, reconciliation, justice, and peace.
Our vision…
We aspire to be a vibrant, thriving community that values both head and heart, that puts love over fear, and that seeks to be the body of Christ in this time and place.