Asheville Area Habitat for Humanity has just sent a short video introducing the partner family for Presbyterian/Methodist House #28 in Candler, and you can see it at this link:
In late September each year we have a Habitat for Humanity Moment for Mission, and receive a special offering to help with the Habitat mission of providing affordable homes in safe neighborhoods for qualifying families to purchase and maintain.
Because of Covid Habitat job site volunteer activities have been suspended until further notice, but anyone who would like to support the Habitat mission with a donation for the special offering to be received on Sept. 27 can do it in one of these two ways:
Donate through the church website at the top right of the site. Clicking on that will open a page for donations, and Habitat for Humanity will be a choice below Operating Funds. Follow the instructions from there.
The other way to donate is by personal check payable to Warren Wilson Church with Habitat for Humanity written on the lower left corner For or Memo line. Checks should be mailed to 101 Chapel Drive, Swannanoa, NC 28778.
Thank you for your support of this special mission program.
– Information provided by Larry Griswold