Announcements for July 14, 2024

WELCOME VISITORS If you are worshiping here for the first time today, welcome! We are glad to have you with us. Please fill out a visitor information card, located on the right as you enter the chapel.

OFFERING Plates are available just inside the doors to the chapel as you enter and exit. Our gifts take many forms: open-hearted presence here, voices lifted in song, the prayers that rise in us, the material gifts we share with neighbors, and our willingness to live in a world as allies and advocates for those whose needs are overlooked. The monies we bring symbolize the offering of our lives in all circumstances. A separate labeled basket is available each week to receive Our Daily Change offerings, formerly known as Five Cents a Meal hunger offering.

WELCOMING REFUGEES If you would like to learn more about serving on a Circle of Welcome to assist a refugee family as they settle in our area, there is a handout available in the entryway, or you may contact Vicki Collins (, 828-712- 0251). 20-25 families are expected to arrive in our area in the coming months, and the need is urgent. You do not need to be a member of the church, and no financial commitment is involved.

COMMUNITY JOYS AND CONCERNS: If you would like to add or update a prayer request, please contact the church office (298-9092).
We celebrate: A delightful Fourth of July gathering, special thanks to the Daugherty family and the Congregational Life Team! ⸰ John and Olivia LaMotte, who celebrated 69 years of marriage on July 8 ⸰ crystal-clear new window panes in the Fellowship Hall and surrounding spaces–come enjoy the view! ⸰ refrigerator fairies (Sharon Lytle and Susan Daugherty) for cleaning out the Fellowship Hall fridge.
We remember in prayer: Sandee Butterworth and family, following Milt’s death on June 26 ⸰ Bill Christy continues to improve after receiving a heart transplant. As of Thursday, it was hoped that he would be discharged from the hospital this week. ⸰ Susan Laney, who has been discharged from the hospital and moved to Care Partners for rehab ⸰ Bubba Lytle, Rodney and Sharon’s son, making excellent progress recovering from a serious motorcycle accident ⸰ James Kelley, Janice Collins’ son, recovering from a broken hip ⸰ Thurman Slone, Joyce Cucinella’s brother now under Hospice care ⸰ Carol Lee Joslin, Blake Joslin’s mother, suffering from Alzheimer’s ⸰ Beth Newman, who is back at work but continuing to recover her strength ⸰ Jackie Ligon Cole ⸰ Pat Crumpler ⸰ Vernon Daugherty, Sr. (Derron’s father) ⸰ Martha Dugger ⸰ Rick Garrison ⸰ Houston Huggins (Beth Meriwether’s brother) ⸰ Erika Lytle ⸰ Salyna Morgan ⸰ Fran Roberts’ sister-in-law, Linda Briggs ⸰ Jon Hettrick and his family ⸰ Marjorie Hettrick ⸰ Kim Reece (daughter of Nancy and Rick Garrison) ⸰ Shane Reece (Nancy Garrison’s son) ⸰ Pat Wilson’s son, Kell.

EXTRA TOTE-BAGS? SVCM has a new shower to be used by neighbors who don’t have access to such facilities. We will schedule an assembly-line-project (soon!) to fill bags with requested showeritems. What we need right now are fabric or plastic tote bags large enough to hold a towel and toiletry items. Please bring any bags you have to share. There will be a box in the narthex to collect them. Thank you for all the ways you help!!!

AUGUST NEWSLETTER As a reminder, we are trying to give more lead time to the volunteers that help make the newsletter happen. That means we would like submissions for the August Newsletter on or before July 15. Please submit those to Andrew by calling the church office (298-9092) or e-mailing

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED AS SUNDAY SERVICE GREETERS Greeters will welcome people to the Sunday service, hand out bulletins, hand out information cards to visitors, point out
the items on the information table, and assist with a brief after-service cleanup of bulletins and hymnals. A sign-up sheet is available on the side table in the entryway. Help us to be a more welcoming church!

GUEST PREACHER This morning we welcome the Rev. Savanna Craig to our pulpit. Savanna is an ordained Methodist pastor, currently serving as Assistant Director at Swannanoa Valley Christian Ministries (SVCM). Savanna received her Master of Divinity from Gardner-Webb University and a Master of Counseling Psychology from Montreat College. We are grateful for Savanna’s compassionate and committed leadership in our community.

SUMMER OFFICE HOURS Monday through Friday, 9:00-3:00.

BUTTERWORTH MEMORIAL A service of thanksgiving for the life of Milt Butterworth will be held in the chapel on Saturday, August 17 at 2:00, with a reception to follow in the Fellowship Hall.