Announcements for January 19, 2025

WELCOME VISITORS If you are worshiping here for the first time today, welcome! We are glad to have you with us. Please fill out a visitor information card, located on the right as you enter the chapel.

OFFERING Plates are available just inside the doors to the chapel as you enter and exit. Our gifts take many forms: open-hearted presence here, voices lifted in song, the prayers that rise in us, the material gifts we share with neighbors, and our willingness to live in a world as allies and advocates for those whose needs are overlooked. The monies we bring symbolize the offering of our lives in all circumstances.

A separate labeled basket is available each week to receive Our Daily Change offerings, formerly known as Five Cents a Meal hunger offering.

HURRICANE RELIEF Session has set up a fund to provide aid to neighbors most affected by Hurricane Helene. There are handouts in the narthex explaining these giving opportunities.

COMMUNITY JOYS AND CONCERNS: If you would like to add or update a prayer request, please contact the church office.

We remember in prayer: The family of Patrice Lytle, Rodney and Sharon’s neice, following her death.⸰ The family of Jack and Sue Allison, on the death of Jack’s brother Robin. ⸰The family of Thurman Slone, Joyce Cucinella’s brother, following his death on December 22 ⸰ Salyna Morgan, recovering from surgery for a broken arm Dina Taylor, Barbara Escalante’s sister, recovering from surgery in California on December 2, for a brain bleed. ⸰ Wynee Bullerdick, daughter of Rodney and Sharon Lytle as she collaborates with her doctor to determine the cause of her illness. ⸰ all who continue to be affected by loss caused by recent storms. In our congregation, we remember especially Andrew Tripp, Cindy and Dennis Riley, Jackie Wintle, Joyce Cucinella, and Bob, the father of Natalie’s partner Jeff Amanda Branscombe, as she continues to recover from spinal fusion surgery Bill Christy, as he continues to heal following a heart transplant ⸰ Susan Laney, receiving therapy at home ⸰ Bubba Lytle, Rodney and Sharon’s son, making excellent progress recovering from a serious motorcycle accident ⸰ Jackie Ligon Cole ⸰ Pat Crumpler ⸰ Martha Dugger ⸰ Rick Garrison ⸰ Houston Huggins (Beth Meriwether’s brother) ⸰ Erika Lytle ⸰ Fran Roberts’ sister-in-law, Linda Briggs ⸰ Jon Hettrick and his family Marjorie Hettrick ⸰ Shane Reece (Nancy Garrison’s son) ⸰ Pat Wilson’s son, Kell

HABITAT VOLUNTEER DAYS IN FEBRUARY AND MARCH Faith partner volunteers, including 10 from our church, made great progress helping Habitat build new affordable homes in Arden last fall, and there is a new opportunity for volunteers to help from February 4-March 22. We have spaces reserved on the volunteer schedule for Fridays Feb 14 and March 7, and Saturdays Feb. 15 and March 8, and many other dates are available. No special skills or tools are needed, only a willingness to help. If you have questions about this important mission project, contact Larry Griswold (

NEWSLETTER We are working on a Winter Edition of the Newsletter with a submission deadline of January 24th. Please send any articles or other content suggestions to Andrew in the church office.

ADULT EDUCATION CLASS We meet Sundays at 9:30 in the Adult Ed room. The book that we are currently focusing on is John Pavlovitz’s Worth Fighting For: Finding Courage & Compassion When Cruelty is Trending. This book seems particularly relevant in these days in which we are living. Contact Beth Meriwether (828-777-2867) with any questions. All are welcome.

TOGATHER We  meet on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month through May at 1:30 PM in the chapel parlor. Please know that all are welcome and there are no expectations. This is a time to build and strengthen relationships, spend some time in quiet reflection and prayer, learn and practice calming and relaxation skills, and share resources. January would be a great time to begin.  Contact Beth Meriwether ( 828-777-2867) for information.

WWPC 2025 BUDGET There is still time for last minute stewardship commitments to be included in the WWPC 2025 final budget. Submitting a commitment form or contacting receiving treasurer Brent Roberts by Sunday January 19 will ensure that all commitments will be included in the 2025 budget to be approved at the Session meeting on January 21. The budget team wishes to express our thanks for the generosity of this congregation which sustains the church’s operations and mission to the wider community.