Announcements for September 15, 2024

WELCOME VISITORS If you are worshiping here for the first time today, welcome! We are glad to have you with us. Please fill out a visitor information card, located on the right as you enter the chapel.

COMMUNITY JOYS AND CONCERNS: If you would like to add or update a prayer request, please contact the church office (298-9092).
We celebrate: Prayers and blessings for Janice Collins and Jim Storey’s son and daughter-in-law, Stephen and Kristen’s wedding on September 21 ⸰ Thanks to the students of Warren Wilson College who led us in worship last week: Hannah Johnson, PJ Parker, Aidan Saunders, Allison Stevens, Marshall “Mac” Ware, Luke Wheelen, and Maeve Williams – and to Campus Chaplain Shannon Spencer for coordinating that effort. ⸰ Thanks to the Congregational Life Team for pulling off our Welcome to Students luncheon on 9/8 – we filled all the chairs and then set up some more! ⸰ Thanks to Bob Gambrell for transporting 100 bags of shower supplies to SVCM, and to the Community Outreach Team for making it possible for us to fill the bags last weekend! ⸰ The Azizi Family, with three kids ages 11, 8, and 3, a refugee family from Afghanistan that we will be helping settle into the Warren Wilson area
We remember in prayer: the family and friends of Edythe May Wiener, who died August 23 in Charlottesville, VA ⸰ the family and friends of Rusty Runholt, Steve’s older brother, who died August 22 ⸰ Brent Roberts and John Bishop as they travel to Cleveland where Brent will have heart valve replacement surgery on September 18 ⸰ Olivia Crescitelli’s mother, Lisa recovering from back surgery on September 13 ⸰ Amanda Branscombe, having a difficult recovery from spinal fusion surgery Amanda’s address in Alabama is 77 Meadowlake Lane, Talladega, Al 35160) ⸰ Bill Christy, as he continues to heal following a heart transplant ⸰ Susan Laney, receiving therapy at home ⸰ Bubba Lytle, Rodney and Sharon’s son, making excellent progress recovering from a serious motorcycle accident ⸰ Thurman Slone, Joyce Cucinella’s brother, now under Hospice care ⸰ Carol Lee Joslin, Blake Joslin’s mother, suffering from Alzheimer’s ⸰ Beth Newman, who is back at work but continuing to recover her strength following a bone marrow transplant ⸰ Jackie Ligon Cole ⸰ Pat Crumpler ⸰ Vernon Daugherty, Sr. (Derron’s father) ⸰ Martha Dugger ⸰ Rick Garrison ⸰ Houston Huggins (Beth Meriwether’s brother) ⸰ Erika Lytle ⸰ Salyna Morgan ⸰ Fran Roberts’ sister-in-law, Linda Briggs ⸰ Jon Hettrick and his family ⸰ Marjorie Hettrick ⸰ Shane Reece (Nancy Garrison’s son) ⸰ Pat Wilson’s son, Kell.

HOMELESSNESS LEARNING SERIES Debbie Alford, Homeless Strategy Specialist for the City of Asheville, will offer a three-part series from 5-6 PM on Sept 24, Oct 1, and Oct 8. Please register if you would like to come to one or more sessions. More information in the narthex.

2024 SVCM WALK FOR YOUR NEIGHBOR October 13, 2-5 PM at First Baptist Church, Black Mountain. Order a T shirt by Sept. 15. Can’t walk that day? Sponsor a walker or order a T shirt for someone else! $20. Sign up in the lobby. Look for Jamie Dale or someone with a clipboard. Questions? Contact Jamie Dale, 828-450-3672,

CHOIR AND HANDBELLS Handbells and the Chapel Choir have resumed on Wednesdays. Handbells starts at 6:00 with choir happening at 7:00. Give Ted Stewart a call to give choir a try – (816) 305-1038. Call Natalie Daughterty to try your hand at the bells – (336) 413-9071.

WWC’s ANNUAL SERVICE OF REMEMBRANCE will be held on Saturday, October 5th at 9:30 in the cemetery on Dillingham Circle.

HABITAT VOLUNTEER DAYS IN OCTOBER We have volunteer dates reserved to help with Habitat House of Faith #4 in Arden on Oct. 19 and 25. If you are going to help with this important mission project, please notify Larry Griswold at soon. No previous experience or special skills are needed, only a willingness to help. Many other dates between Oct. 8 – Nov 23 are available if those would be better for you.

TEACHER REBEKAH WALKER, FUTURE OWNER OF HOUSE OF FAITH #4, WILL BE WITH US FOR A HABITAT MOMENT FOR MISSION ON SEPT. 29. This is our first Habitat homeowner guest since Covid for this annual event where we receive a special offering to help with building the house. Options for contributing to this offering include: 1) through our church website (click Give Online button – top right corner), 2) by check with “Habitat Offering” written on the memo line and dropped in an offering plate or mailed to the church office, or 3) by Qualified Charitable Distribution from an IRA or check from a Donor Advised Gift Fund designated “Habitat Offering.”

THANKSGIVING DINNER COORDINATOR NEEDED In years past, Warren Wilson students and local neighbors have enjoyed Thanksgiving dinners hosted on the holiday in our Fellowship Hall. But many members travel on that day. A plan is being considered, in which the church would purchase sliced turkey and members who are available to come would bring side dishes and desserts. Vicki Collins coordinated the event last year and would be happy to share what was involved (no set-up of tables and chairs would be required). If you feel led to see that this event happens this year, please reach out to Vicki. If no coordinator comes forward, we will revisit the plan next year.

NEWSLETTER This is the week to get in your submissions and/or suggestions on things to include in the October Newsletter.

TO GATHER “Come, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest,” Matthew 11:28 – Jesus invites us to come to him and to come together to share our burdens and find rest. You are invited to join Beth Meriwether for a new group, To gather, meeting Thursdays, 6:30 to 7:30, in the Adult Education Room, September 26 through November 21, for a time of sharing, contemplation, and prayer. If you are interested, please contact Beth Meriwether at 828-777-2867 or

ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL Our Adult Education Class welcomes everyone back from summer break. Together we read books, watch videos, listen to speakers, and have lively
conversations. It’s a great opportunity to get to know folks better and expand our knowledge and perspectives. We meet Sundays at 9:30 in the Adult Education class at the end of the hall in the administrative building. All are welcome!