Advent 2018

Advent 2018   This year, instead of having one Sunday where the children act out the Christmas story, we are going to explore a piece of the story each Sunday in Advent.  Starting on 12/2, the Angel Gabriel will visit Mary.  Then, watch as Mary and Joseph travel with the faithful donkey to Bethlehem.  And […]

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Steve Runholt

Steve’s Slant

I’ll confess up front that this is not the newsletter article I was expecting to write, given that it’s now November — Thanksgiving month — and that we’re also now just two weeks away from the culmination of our stewardship campaign in support of next year’s budget.  I thought I might write about things for

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Steve Runholt

Steve’s Slant

In just a little over a month Americans of all persuasions, living all across the country, have the opportunity to engage in one of the most important civic actions any citizen can perform: we have the opportunity, and the right, to vote.  In casting our individual ballets we have the astonishing privilege of having a

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Habitat for Humanity

RAPID PROGRESS ON HABITAT FOR HUMANITY PRESBYTERIAN/METHODIST HOUSE #27 PARTNER FAMILY WILL ATTEND OUR SEPT. 30 WORSHIP SERVICE Volunteers from our church began working on Asheville Area Habitat for Humanity’s Presbyterian/Methodist House # 27 in Arden on July 27, and over the first four weeks of construction contributed more than 70 hours of work on

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Steve Runholt

Steve’s Slant

Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very foreign tongue.  Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them.  And the point

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Sing in the Choir

How Can I keep from singing? It’s Wednesday 6:55 P.M. and whether rain or shine, they start arriving… the faithful ones who make up our Warren Wilson Presbyterian Church choir.  Every week this group of dedicated people who love music and enjoy each other come to the chapel to sing together and prepare music they

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Steve Runholt

Steve’s Slant

Just over eleven hours after I finish preaching on Sunday, I will board an American Airlines jet bound for Heathrow, and from there a British Airways connection to Edinburgh. Naturally I am very excited about the opportunity to participate in this international pulpit exchange.  I’m deeply grateful to Doug Orr for first suggesting the idea,

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