Announcements for March 10, 2024

WELCOME VISITORS!  If you are worshiping here for the first time today, welcome!  We are glad to have you with us. Please fill out a visitor information card, located on the right as you enter the chapel.

PRAYERS GO OUT FOR: John Bishop and family, on his mother Flo’s death; Winn Legerton and family, on Fitz’s death; Martha Dugger; Beth Newman; Darrell Spencer, receiving hospice care; Vernon Daugherty, Sr., Derron’s father; Salyna Morgan; Blake Joslin and his parents, Carol Lee and Brooks; Houston Huggins, Beth Meriwether’s brother; Bartley Spencer, Sandy Brauer’s brother; Pat Crumpler; Shane Reece, Nancy Garrison’s son; Pat Wilson’s son, Kell; Erika Lytle; Jackie Ligon Cole; Rick Garrison; Fran Roberts’ sister-in-law, Linda Briggs; Jon Hettrick and his family; Marjorie Hettrick; Kim Reece, daughter of Nancy and Rick Garrison.

MID-WEEK COMMUNITY LENTEN SERVICES This week’s service will be at noon on Wednesday, March 13 at First Christian Church in Black Mtn.Please make sure to pick up a Weekly Lenten Service schedule from the table in the Narthex.

ONE GREAT HOUR OF SHARING Around the world, millions of people lack access to sustainable food sources, clean water, sanitation, education, and opportunity. The three programs supported by One Great Hour of Sharing  — Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, the Presbyterian Hunger Program, and Self-Development of People — all work in different ways to serve individuals and communities in need. From initial disaster response to ongoing community development, their work fits together to provide people with safety, sustenance, and hope. WWPC will receive this special offering through Easter on March 31. Please give as generously as you are able. You may make a note that the gift is for the One Great Hour of Sharing on the memo line of your check, or you may give online.

WE NEED YOUR HELP WWC Work Day Fence Project The Construction Crew and Athletic Department on campus are hoping to build a fence on WWC Work Day in April to prevent soccer and lacrosse balls from getting lost in the briars between the fields and the tennis courts. We are looking to raise $2,000 to purchase the materials needed to put up a 4-foot-tall chain-link fence. If you would like to make a donation, please make checks out to WWPC with “Fence Project” on the memo line, or you can reach out to Doug Bradley at

SUNDAY MARCH 17 The Spiritual Life Crew of Warren Wilson College, along with Chaplain and Spiritual Life Director Shannon Spencer, will lead our 11:00 worship on this fifth Sunday in Lent. Come and be blessed by the gifts God has planted in these students’ hearts. 

SUNDAY MARCH 24, 10:55 Our Palm Sunday worship will begin outside the chapel as we gather palms and then process in to worship. Palm Sunday begins in jubilation, but before the morning is over, we will have begun to consider what the rest of the week will hold, and so this day has come to be known as Palm/Passion Sunday. 

MAUNDY THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 7:00 We will gather in the chapel to share communion and meditate on a love that knows no bounds. 

GOOD FRIDAY, MARCH 29, 12:00 in Montreat The depth of joy we discover on Easter morning is tied intimately to our willingness to encounter the suffering of the cross. All are invited to an ecumenical service in Upper Anderson Auditorium at noon. 

EASTER DAY, MARCH 31, 9:30 BRUNCH Bring a dish to share and come celebrate with your church family, as we gather in and around the Fellowship Hall.

11:00 WORSHIP Our celebration of the resurrection will take place in the chapel at 11:00. We will share communion, be led in worship by the choir, and be blessed by the sound of our newly refurbished bells! 

12:00 EASTER EGG HUNT Following worship, there will be an Easter egg hunt on the lawn! If you don’t have a basket, one will be provided.

MEMBERSHIP However you found us, we are glad you are here. If you are this loving community, you may contact Margaret at interested in joining 828-298-9092, or