About Las Vegas

Dear friends,   Yesterday we woke up to the news that yet another mass shooting had occurred overnight, this one in Las Vegas, and the worst one yet–the loss of life and the number wounded staggeringly high.    It’s hard to know what to say in response to such a grotesque, large-scale act of violence,

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Just Mercy

Last Spring, our Adult Education class undertook a study of white privilege by reading together Debby Irving’s powerful book, Waking Up White. This Sunday we resume our conversation about this important topic, with one crucial difference.  Whereas Ms. Irving’s book looked at white privilege from a white perspective, our next book, Just Mercy, by Brian

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Steve Runholt

Steve’s Slant

As part of our observance of the Labor Day weekend, and as we have done now for several years, we gathered for worship this past Sunday in the Morris Pavilion on campus.  It was a particularly lovely day, with a hint of fall in the cool air and I was reminded again of how special

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A Very Special Day

Dear friends, This past Sunday was a very special day here at Warren Wilson Presbyterian.  If you were not able to be here, this was the Sunday we welcomed the new students to campus, and to our church–always one of our favorite Sundays of the year.  But this year we enjoyed an added bonus: we

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Responding to Houston

Dear friends, The tragedy unfolding in Houston (and southeast Texas more generally) is weighing heavily on our hearts.  I’m sure that many of you are already wondering how best to respond.   Right now the most immediate need is for relief support and assistance for the millions of people displaced from their homes.  This support

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Prayrs for Peace

Prayer Vigil for Peace

Dear friends, In light of recent events in Charlottesville and, now, Barcelona, the Black Mountain/Swannanoa Ministerial Association will host a prayer vigil for peace this Sunday (August 20) in the town park in Black Mountain.     The ecumenical vigil will start at 12:30.  All people of faith and conscience are welcome to attend.   As many of

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Steve Runholt

Steve’s Slant

Georges-Pierre Seurat was a French painter from the 19th century.  He is most famous for helping to pioneer a style of painting known as pointillism.  In this method, the artist applied hundreds of small individual dots of paint to a canvas.  Up close these dots looked just like the name implies–like a blotch of tiny

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Steve Runholt

Steve’s Slant

I want to use this space this month to update all of you about the status of the Waldrop bequest.  In particular, and in the spirit of transparency, I want to fill you in on where we are in our discernment process centered on how to steward this gift to maximize its benefit. And I

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